KIA Niro: Vehicle safety system

Anti-lock Brake System (ABS)

The Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) prevents the wheels from locking to steer and stabilize the vehicle.

If the ABS warning light ( ) stays on, contact a professional workshop as soon as possible. Kia recommends to visit an authorized Kia dealer/service partner.


  • A click sound may be heard in the vehicle compartment when the vehicle begins to move after the vehicle is started. These conditions are normal and indicate that the Anti-lock Brake System is functioning properly.
  • When you jump start your vehicle because of a drained battery, the vehicle may not run as smoothly and the ABS warning light may turn on at the same time. This happens because of low battery voltage. It does not mean your ABS has malfunctioned.
  • Do not pump your brakes!
  • Have the battery recharged before driving the vehicle.


 Electronic Stability Control (ESC)

Electronic Stability Control (ESC) Electronic Stability Control (ESC) is designed to stabilize the vehicle during cornering maneuvers. ESC is not a substitute for safe driving practices. Factors including speed, road conditions and driver ste

 Multi-Collision Brake (MCB)

Multi-Collision Brake controls the brake automatically in the event of an accident where the air bag deploys to reduce the risk of additional accidents that may occur. System operation From the time the air bag deploys, Multi-Collision Brake m

 Vehicle Stability Management (VSM)

Vehicle Stability Management (VSM) provides further enhancements to vehicle stability and steering response. Operating VSM Operation Press the ESC OFF button to turn VSM off and the ESC OFF indicator light ( ) is appeared. Press the


 Towing service

Wheel dolly Proper lifting and towing procedures are necessary to prevent damage to the vehicle. The use of wheel dolly (1) or flatbed is recommended. On 2WD vehicles, it is acceptable to tow the vehicle with the rear wheels

 Rear Cross-Traffic Collision-Avoidance Assist (RCCA)

Rear Cross-Traffic Collision-Avoidance Assist is designed to help detect vehicles approaching from the left and right side while your vehicle is reversing, and warn the driver that a collision is imminent with a warning message and an audible w
