KIA Niro: Junction Turning function- Kia Niro EV

The Junction turning function is warned and controlled by the following level.

  • Collision warning
  • Emergency braking
  • Stopping vehicle and ending brake control

Collision warning

Collision warning

A: Collision warning!

Collision warning will alert the driver with a warning message, an audible warning and steering wheel vibration.

Collision warning will be activated in the following conditions.

  • Your driving speed: 10~30 km/h (6~19 mph)
  • Oncoming vehicle speed: 30~70 km/h (19~44 mph)

Emergency braking

Emergency braking

A: Emergency braking

The warning message, an audible warning and the steering wheel will vibrate to warn the driver that emergency braking will be assisted. The brake assist will be activated and it helps avoiding collision of a vehicle.

Emergency braking will be activated in the following conditions.

  • Your driving speed: 10~30 km/h (6~19 mph)
  • Oncoming vehicle speed: 30~70 km/h (19~44 mph)

Stopping vehicle and ending brake control

Stopping vehicle and ending brake control

A: Drive carefully

When the vehicle is stopped due to emergency braking, the warning message will appear on the cluster.

For your safety, the driver should depress the brake pedal immediately and check the surroundings.

  • Brake control will end after the vehicle is stopped by emergency braking for approximately 2 seconds.


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