KIA Niro: Air Conditioning System


 Air Conditioning System / General Safety Information and Caution

Instructions (R- 134a) When Handling Refrigerant R-134a liquid refrigerant is highly volatile. A drop on the skin of your hand could result in localized frostbite. When handling the refrigerant, be sure to wear gloves. It is standard prac

  Air Conditioning System / Repair Procedures

Checking Refrigerant Specifications Check refrigerant specifications label inside engine room. Examples R-134a R-1234yf If refrigerant specifications label is not visible, check the refrigerant service port diameter. High pressu

 Compressor oil Repair procedures | Refrigerant Line

Air Conditioning System / Components And Components Location Engine Room Ambient Temperature Sensor Receiver-drier Condenser Electric A/C Compressor Discharge hose The service port (Low pressure) The service po


 If you do decide to tow a trailer

Here are some important points if you decide to tow a trailer: Consider using a sway control. You can ask a hitch dealer about sway control. Do not do any towing with your vehicle during its first 2,000 km (1,200 miles) in order to all

 Sunroof Assembly | Sunroof Sunshade

Sunroof Assembly Replacement Warning When removing with a flat-tip screwdriver or remover, wrap protective tape around the tools to prevent damage to components. Put on glove to protect your hands. Remove the roof
